Worldwide Candle Lighting - EVENT
For centuries a candle has been lit to show respect, honor and remembrance for those who have died. The act of lighting a candle communicates the message that your loved one will not be forgotten. They mattered. They may be gone but their memory endures and the light of the candle will continue to send the message that they were valued and loved.
On the second Sunday of each December, Worldwide Candlelighting takes place at 7:00 pm. Candles are lit creating a circle of remembrance around the globe. The warm glow passes around the planet for a 24 hour period of time.
The loss of a loved one due to substance use related harms is devastating to friends and family. Worldwide Candlelighting Day is a day that brings understanding, support and acknowledgement that you are not alone in your loss. Please join Moms Stop the Harm on Sunday December 11th at 7:00 pm Local Time as we remember all those we have loved and lost due to substance use related harms.
(Worldwide Candlelighting Day was started by The Compassionate Friends Society in the United States in 1997 and has now grown on a global level)